Behind every successful business, there is a Supply Chain Management. The aforementioned statement is purposely twisted from its original form to emphasize how supply chain management, or SCM, can make or break a business. SCM, as we all know, is the management of providing the right product, at the right time, at the right place and at the right cost to the consumer. This continuous process of goods and services has its own set of challenges like delays in transportation, sluggishly monitoring of cargoes, and errors in operations, theft, and some handful more.

No matter how big or small a business is, all those problematic factors can ultimately put profits at risk and increasing cost pressure. This is especially in the case of perishables, all perishable produce never make it all the way from the farm to the table. This kind of food wastage can easily be avoided today by means of efficient supply chain tracking mechanisms and the ability of logistics, which leverages end computing and (Internet of Things) IoT to implement real-time automatic, sense-and-respond feedback systems. IoT is actually transforming the entire food supply chain and discuss its impact on five levels, namely farming, production and warehouse management, food safety, logistics, and consumer-based applications.

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Production and warehouse management
Sensors are employed by food manufacturing companies to strengthen quality control, monitoring worker productivity, streamlining production by leveraging real-time analytics, tracking and refilling inventory, and analyzing labor costs.
In the future, machines with predictive maintenance capabilities could repair their malfunctions automatically, even before something goes wrong. It is believed that such future IoT applications could possibly do away with people from the production equation.

Food safety
Food contamination and wastage have always been a concern in the logistics arena. In order to keep these problems at bay, incorporating network-connected temperature and humidity sensors in the warehouse allows first-hand monitoring of food containers, trucks, and trigger alerts, which prevents damage or replacement of bad products way before they reach the consumers.    
Shippers can also diagnose problems like identifying the origins of contamination and then quickly restoring them with the help of such devices.

IoT is undoubtedly assisting companies to change their approach to handling SCM. For instance, bringing unprecedented visibility in the process by integrating advanced RFID trackers to monitor and control temperature, tracking product location with the help of GPS, enhancing routes by analyzing data from weather patterns, keeping a check on driving and traffic conditions in real-time, automate shipping and delivery processes, etc.
By collecting this data, shippers are able to reckon performance in the serving areas, understand consumer behavior and make decisions to reduce deadhead miles in truck fleets.

Consumer applications
In-store barcodes and QR scanners are already being used by consumers to retrieve product information and other details that influence their buying decisions. Consumers are also using scan-and-go applications on their smartphones to scan barcodes of food products in their shopping carts. The final bill of their shopping automatically charges their credit/debit cards as they exit the store, without having to bother about waiting in the checkout queue.
Interestingly, there are also those consumers who never travel to grocery stores because they are using IoT-enabled refrigerators and smart pantries that allow them to automatically order items.

Farmers are using drones to gather data on crop growth, monitoring weather patterns, and control usage of water and energy on the field. They are also using predictive analytics to understand the quality of the soil and air, expenditures on labor and equipment in order to make informed decisions.

Relevant examples
In 2017, Florida-based food supply chain start-up Vertigo had introduced a new IoT quality analysis platform to improve freshness and reduce wastage of fresh produce in transit.
Oregon-based brewing company Rouge Ales has employed advanced supply chain tracking tools and management to gather data on temperature and humidity on its shipments at every stage between the company’s hop yard and the brewery.
Italian pasta company Barilla uses smart labels on their product packaging to provide customers full clarity inside their supply chain.

The future
IoT seems to be an ever-expanding world, presenting with unlimited opportunities for organizations to augment their competitive advantage via linking sensors, advanced analytics, embedded intelligence, and human expertise.
In the future, supply chains joining the IoT club will distinguish themselves from those who are still agnostic and behind the evolving race.

Fusion Informatics is a Leading App development company and offering Artificial Intelligence Development, Machine Learning, BlockchainDevelopment, Data Science, Bots, Cognitive services, IOT, and Mobile App Development. We have developed Various Solutions outsourcing company with a focus on implementing high-level technology solutions & services. The company having global services in India, UAE, Europe, and the USA.

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Top mobile app development trends that will dominate 2019

Mobile applications development must be changing our lives continually. And because of their huge popularity and use, they serve to be a significant opportunity for approvers as well as enterprises.
According to Statist, mobile apps are supposed to generate around $189 Billion US dollars in revenues.
Not only that, but many experts have already said that the mobile app development industry is one of the fastest growing industries and that it shows no signs of slowing down in the future as well.
With latest technological advancements and new inventions coming to life almost every day, it’s not wrong to think that 2019 will most assuredly be the year of mobile apps and both approvers, as well as enterprises, will have more opportunities in future of doing business.
After conducting thorough research by our business analyst team, we’ve identified and listed below the various encouraging Mobile application development trends that are going to dominate in 2019.

1- The era of AR/VR has just started!
AR and VR, both are excellent! There is no uncertainty regarding that. Tech monsters are already innovating tons of new use cases for both. For example, Google and Apple both are delivering new AR demos on their advanced devices, which is evidence that AR/VR is going to be a game changer in the future.
These technologies are also prognosticated to see on social platforms for branding as well as targeting possible buyers through ‘Beyond the Screens’ AR/VR applications.
A few examples of AR & VR trends
•    Mobile AR disruption
•    AR in marketing & advertising
•    AR in healthcare
•    AR in manufacturing
•    Mobile app development trends cta1

2. Intelligent things 
The word ‘smart things’ or the ‘smart objects’ was originally created by the relatively new technology of the Internet of Things. Also known as the Internet of Things, it is primarily a network of physical objects that are installed with sensors, electronics, and software which are all interconnected within the network itself.
For example, Samsung, Xiaomi, Bosch, Honeywell, and many other big brands holding a big market share already. And a few of these recent IoT app development trends include Kisi Smart Lock, Nest Smart Home, Google Home, etc.
Overall, the IoT is considered to be one of the games changing technology in the world of mobile application development
Future trends of IoT
•    Smart homes & smart areas
•    Routers equipped with more securities
•    Self-driving cars
•    IoT in healthcare

3. Artificial Intelligence & machine learning
Artificial Intelligence & Machine learning both have dug their heels quite deeper into the mobile app market. AI, for the most part, has made itself manifest in the form of chatbots, while Siri, the combination of machine learning as well as artificial intelligence is now a so much share of mobile application changes that cannot be divided now. Many organizations have already started embracing these technologies to grow profitability as well as decrease operational expenses in various forms.
•    AI automated Develops through AOL
•    AI-enabled chips
•    Automated machine learning
•    Interoperability among neural networks

5. Cloud
The necessary element of future mobile apps
Though many still consider Cloud to be a luxury option, in 2019, that won’t be the case anymore.
The benefits are, decreasing costs in hosting, increased loading capacity, and smooth business operations are only a few advantages Cloud provides.
Now, there are many security-related matters being solved with the help of Cloud, creating mobile application development more strong, fast, and secure. The direction of Cloud technology such as Dropbox, AWS, Slide Rocket, and many more, it is now likely to generate powerful applications that work directly on the Cloud.
Cloud computing trends in 2019
•    Quantum computing
•    Hybrid cloud solutions
•    Evolution of cloud services and solutions

6. Mobile wallets 
There is no doubt about the fact that the demand for mobile wallets is on the rise, and with security being the topmost concern among developers, the usage of mobile wallets is only going to increase in the year 2019.
Mobile app development trends in mobile banking
In fact, frictionless payment methods are what today do customers love to see in the mobile apps that they use.
So, in 2019, mobile wallets, as well as payment gateway integration that offer the highest level of secured encryption, will become the mainstream in all kinds of mobile apps.
Mobile wallet trends in 2019
•    Over 2 billion mobile wallet users
•    More secure mobile wallets
•    Contactless payment

7. Blockchain  
Blockchain development has opened up a world of unique & exciting possibilities in the IT sector. Blockchain in creating cryptocurrencies and smart contracts only. But in fact, blockchain is more valuable than you can ever imagine. Decentralized Mobile applications or the Dap is basically an application that is not only not owned by anyone, but it is also difficult to shut it down nor does it have any downtime.
Blockchain is supposed to provide more in the mobile application industry by offering the mobile app itself decentralized, just as Bitcoin’s blockchain did for money.
Future trends of blockchain technology
•    Asset tokenization
•    BAAS (Blockchain-as-a-service)
•    Trading on crypto-currencies exchange
•    Crypto space and gaming

8. Wearable’s 
There is no doubting to the fact that the market of Wearable’s industry is undergoing rapid growth. there is the not only visible amount of investment allocated to the wearable market but in the future, the word wearable devices will grow just as extreme as the word smartphone right now is. The main control panel of any wearable device is the smartphone. It means, the wearable devices must be paired and they also must be in close proximity.
•    More focus on the B2B sector
•    More industries to embrace On-demand applications

We believe that staying up-to-date with the latest trends as well as technologies is the key to keeping up with ever-changing customer demands as well as the competition.

Fusion Informatics is a Leading App development company and offering Artificial Intelligence Development, Machine Learning, Blockchain Development, Data Science, Bots, Cognitive services, IOT, and Mobile App Development. We have developed Various Solutions outsourcing company with a focus on implementing high-level technology solutions & services. The company having global services in India, UAE, Europe, and the USA.

To Know More Clicks Below:-

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How to Create a Successful New Application with an Old Idea

Google wasn’t the first search engine. Facebook wasn’t the first social network. Instagram thrived even though people had been sharing photos all over Facebook for years before it. So if you have an app idea but the likes of it already inhabit the app stores, don’t let that stop you from making it anyway. Creating a strong Mobile application Development needs more than just a thought. It takes vision, execution, and perseverance. So yes, what I’m saying is that if you want to make a piece of killer music streaming app, you should, even though there already is a dozen of them. You can always make one better than the existing ones and become the top app in your category. Yes, it’s possible.

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How about a little backstory on some of the greatest apps of now?


Given the ubiquitous nature of search engines today, it’s hard to believe that there was a time when all webpages were just individually indexed and had to be searched by their www address. But that’s true, the Web became publicly accessible in 1990, but the first engine showed up only in 1993. And no, it wasn’t Google. In fact, Google stepped into the game only in 1998. There were at least 20 other search engines before Google and you probably remember Alta Vista, Web Crawler and of course, Yahoo! and AOL. If being the first to get the idea was the only scale to success, any of those early search engines would have been at the top today and not the late entrant Google.
Yet Google rose to the top because it did it better than the others. As the pages on the web exploded, all these other search engines couldn’t keep up, while Google developed a ranking system that was far more comprehensive and consistently brought better search results.


Not only was it not the first idea of its kind, but it also wasn’t even Zuckerberg’s own idea, if you believe the Winkle Voss Brothers. Legalese aside, Facebook wiped out names like MySpace, Orkut, Friendster and many others to become not just a social network but a worldwide phenomenon. Facebook did not have a first-mover advantage but still managed to rock the world, because of not one thing but years of evolving. A stylish news feed that is addictively engaging, great photo sharing capabilities, easy accessibility and the Facebook API that allowed it to connect will almost all other sites on the web, making Facebook omnipresent and often the easiest one-click sign in on a slew of shopping, entertainment, and other sites.


Instagram said I let users share photos. Facebook said I already do that mate. Instagram told I got excellent filters that perform ordinary pictures to look fabulous.

To help make things easier for you, here are a few things you can do to make a used idea work for you and rise above the current rivals:

1. Find a Way

In many ways, working with an idea that’s already been done before is a great advantage. You already know the market and its expectations. You know what your prospective users expect, what they already have and what more they’d like. You need to look very closely and find the pain points that consumers experience with the current apps. Now eliminate these pain points with features.

2. Create a Better Design

If you are serious about building an app, you probably understand that design will be the big differentiator that could set you apart. As Instagram did, make it stupidly simple to get things done. The lesser your users have to work, the better they like the app. eliminate all the clicks you can. Place important buttons within the thumb’s reach. Stay clean and minimal.

3. Target a New Market

You don’t have to go global from the launch. To be conservative, you should focus on a strong niche market by offering something very specific that a lot of people really value. This will help you develop a strong and loyal brand following quickly. You can push the envelope once you have a foot in the door. Increase to different markets, add new features and develop as you grow. But at first, work really hard on a focused market.

4. Think a New Monetization Strategy

Maybe users love the current apps but hate in-app advertising. Maybe you could give them an ad-free experience and come up with a better monetization model.

If you are really excited about your thought, work for it. Of course, follow the above points, do your research and make your app better than the currently available options. And then, it really doesn’t matter if a dozen people have already made an app with the same idea. Yours could be much greater, and finally more successful, like Facebook, Instagram, and Google.

Fusion Informatics is a Leading App development company and offers Artificial Intelligence Development, Machine Learning, Blockchain Development, Data Science, Bots, Cognitive services, IOT, and Mobile App Development. We have developed Various Solutions outsourcing company with a focus on implementing high-level technology solutions & services. The company having global services in India, UAE, Europe, and the USA.

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